========= Constants ========= These are the magic constants that affect the game logic. You are free to access any of these constants from your code - they are in global scope. Map Constants ================ You'll probably be using this constant frequently while writing code. .. cpp:var:: long MAP_SIZE = 30 Number of tiles along the side of the map. .. cpp:var:: vector PLAYER_BASE_POSITIONS = {{0.5, 0.5}, {29.5, 29.5}} Spawn positions of both players. Bot Constants ============= .. cpp:var:: long MAX_BOT_HP = 200 Maximum HP for a bot. .. cpp:var:: long MAX_NUM_BOTS = 250 Maximum number of bots per player. .. cpp:var:: long NUM_BOTS_START = 20 Number of bots the player begins the game with. .. cpp:var:: long BOT_SPEED = 6 Units of distance the bot covers per turn. .. cpp:var:: long BOT_BLAST_IMPACT_RADIUS = 2 The maximum distance in tiles around the bot when on blasting the bot inflicts damage .. cpp:var:: long BOT_BLAST_DAMAGE_POINTS = 50 The maximum damage a bot can inflict on an enemy unit on blasting .. cpp:var:: long BOT_SPAWN_FREQUENCY = 1 Number of bots spawned per turn. Tower Constants =============== .. cpp:var:: long MAX_TOWER_HP = 600 Maximum HP for a tower. .. cpp:var:: long MAX_NUM_TOWERS = 150 Maximum number of towers per player. .. cpp:var:: long TOWER_BLAST_IMPACT_RADIUS = 6 The maximum distance in tiles around the tower when on blasting the tower inflicts damage .. cpp:var:: long TOWER_BLAST_DAMAGE_POINTS = 500 The maximum damage a tower can inflict on an enemy unit on blasting .. cpp:var:: long TOWER_MIN_BLAST_AGE = 3 The minimum number of turns a tower must be alive to blast Miscellaneous Constants ======================= .. cpp:var:: int64_t NUM_TURNS = 500 Number of turns in the game.