Default Code

Here’s the default code that you’re provided on first login, in case you need it again

#include "player_code/player_code.h"

namespace player_code {

using namespace player_state;

State PlayerCode::update(State state) {

    // Hello and Welcome to Code Character 2020!!

    // Code Character is a strategy code writing competition, where you'll be
    // controlling some robots that will face off against each other

    // We have two kinds of units, bots and towers. You start out only
    // with some bots though. Let's print some information about your
    // bots.
    logr << "Number of bots: " << state.bots.size() << endl;

    // logr is like cout. Use it to print information to your console on the
    // panel to the bottom right

    // As you can see, we have an object called state, that contains some info

    // State has a vector named bots, that contains information about all
    // our bots.

    // We can give commands to our bots to have them perform actions.
    // Remember to check if your bot is alive before you make it perform
    // anything!

    // Bots can move to any reachable location on the map.
    // Let's make bots move to all flag locations

    size_t used_bots = 0;

    // Range based loops are convenient to use. We use a reference to
    // ensure that our changes are reflected and not made on a copy!
    // You can use auto instead of an explicit type
    for (auto &bot : state.bots) {
        // Let's not use up all our bots just for these. So, we will only use a
        // maximum of 18 bots here.
        if (used_bots > state.flag_offsets.size() || used_bots >= 18)

        // Make sure that you do not access a vector beyond it's size or else,
        // you'll get a segmentation fault and cost you the entire game

        // State has a vector that has the locations of flag locations on the
        // map. A bot asked to move to a location will automatically go
        // there using the shortest path found.

    // Let's say you want one of the remaining bots to blast at the spawn
    // position of the enemies.

    // Before that we ensure that we have atleast one extra bot left
    if (state.bots.size() > used_bots) {
        // See the usage of constant value PLAYER_BASE_POSITIONS

    // Other than blasting and moving, bots can also transform into towers
    // Let's try to transform all of the remaining bots near the other end of
    // the map i.e., (MAP_SIZE - 1, MAP_SIZE - 1) Note that you cannot construct or
    // / move to coordinates where either x = MAP_SIZE or y = MAP_SIZE
    int x = MAP_SIZE - 2, y = MAP_SIZE - 2;

    // The bots can also be traversed like a usual array using an index
    for (size_t i = used_bots; i < state.bots.size(); i++) {
        if (y != (MAP_SIZE - 1)) {

            // You can use the DoubleVec2D class to define positions and
            // distances
            state.bots[i].transform(DoubleVec2D(x, y));

    // State also has the vector of player towers
    // We'll blast all towers once they are constructed
    for (auto &tower : state.towers) {

    // We will also check on every turn how many of the opponent towers are left

    // Note that the state is not updated yet. It is not your usual program.
    // For this entire turn, your state values will be the same, the changes are
    // only reflected the next turn this update function runs.
    logr << "Number of enemy towers: " << state.enemy_towers.size() << endl;

    // While this should give you a decent start, we highly recommend
    // reading the docs provided. It should get you up to date with
    // all there is to State and we have some helper snippets and methods
    // so you start competing right away!

    return state;
